Okay, so here's how the conversation went: (names should have been changed to protect the crazy - but you might as well know now!!)
Me: Hey, Jess - guess what?
Jess: What?
Me: I have done really great, I have been on my treadmill every day for three days in a row! I decided it was time!
Jess: That's awesome!
Me: Yeah, thanks! You know, this is going to sound crazy coming from me (for the reader's benefit - if we ever have readers - I am one of *the* most couch-potato people you could ever meet) but I think by starting now, I can do the Gate River Run in March here in town. It's a 15K and I think if I work hard, I'll be able to at least walk it by then - don't you think?
Jess: Sure, I am sure you can! That's awesome!!
THEN, pause for dramatic effect - THIS happened:
Jess: You know what would be even more cool??
Me: Um, what?
Jess: Well, there is a race in Disney in February, it's the Disney Princess Half-Marathon, wouldn't it be fun to do that?? I have always wanted to do a race in Disney, it's been a dream of mine!
Me: Um, a half what??
Jess: A half MARATHON!
Me: Yeah, that's what I thought you said! Hmmm - well, I suppose by starting now, and being ready to the 15K in March, if I keep training, I could probably (meaning, HELL no I don't think I could ever do that!) be ready by February 2014. That gives me almost a year to recover from the 15K!
Jess: No, I meant do the Disney race in Feb 2013!!
Me: Have you lost your mind??
Jess: Yes - but that's not the point!
Me: HONESTLY??? Have you seen me?? I am 46 and more than a few pounds overweight - and oh yeah, I don't RUN.
Jess: C'mon - it'll be a blast!!
Me: HONESTLY??? Have you seen me?? I am 46 and more than a few pounds overweight - and oh yeah, I don't RUN.
Jess: Wait, look - I found this blog... look at the pictures! Look at how much fun this looks like...
And that was how we started! We took the PLUNGE! I have been on my treadmill every day for a whopping 10 days. Woo. Whatever! I am TERRIFIED! Oh, did I mention that me - who can barely walk 2 20 minute miles in a row has to get to a point where I can do a 16 minute mile for 13 POINT 1 miles in a row??? Oh, yeah - did I mention that you have a time limit of 3.5 hours to be able to complete this Half-Marathon from hell??
Oh, yeah - the blog pictures DO look fun. That girl in that picture looks as old as my Mom! And that Princess looks at least as heavy as me.
... maybe, just maybe we CAN do this!
If you are reading this - maybe you are thinking about it too? Join us as we walk you through all we figure out, and how we're doing! It's a SCARY undertaking - but you know what... A princess, especially a DISNEY PRINCESS can do anything she wants! I have decided today...
I am a Princess Dammit!
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